Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tasting Tofu

I've finally decided on a major, Exercise Physiology. I hope to be a trainer either out of my house or at a super cool gym that plays awesome techno/pop music (that's the best for workin' out). My problem is that I need to be in better shape than the those who ask me to help them become healthy so I've been trying to eat healthier and decrease my more substancial areas at the gym (every girl's life story, I know). I've also been reading the Natural Health magazine which I love! In the latest issue they stress the importance of Isoflavonoids found in most soy products. I've always wanted to try Tofu (which is made of soy) so when Jason and I went grocery shopping I grabbed a package and tossed it nonchalantly into the cart. He didn't say anything which I was happy about because I had no idea what it really was. We got home and I made a beautiful salad. Jason decided on a sandwich instead. We sat down to watch a movie and I dived into my magnificent dinner..... I was SO glad the lights were off and I could lie when Jason asked if it was yummy. TOFU IS GROSS!!! I'm so sad! I should haved cooked it differently, I'll try again someday. Why can't all the really beneficial foods taste better?

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